Thursday 31 January 2013

Hello, World!

A number of aspects of contemporary existence will happily tag me a novice, but today is a momentous occasion. I belong to another age technology-wise {I approach all gadgets with fear and trepidation}, and setting up this blog, well, is quite the achievement! What’s more relieving is that I’m not alone!
Anyway, I was recently researching material for a new novel and from what I unraveled, I’d like to dedicate this post to those enmeshed in despair. I came across a site, one of many sadly, that dispenses elaborate techniques on how to leave this life. Yes. I’m referring to suicide.
Comments offered to those interested ranged from ridiculing the failed attempts of the attempter to foolproof methods of succeeding and inflicting maximum hurt to those they plan to leave behind. Pleas feature as well, desperate words that hope to change the mind of the person in question, but most are unswayable. They are determined to die.
Life was intended to mold character, but these tests are unfortunately easier for some than they are for others. So for those who can’t seem to take the next breath, leave alone the next step, I want you to know that I’m thinking about you. Praying for you. Can relate to how you’re feeling because I’ve been there.
It’s worth it, life, and you’ll discover that it’s in the simple and little things that this truth heralds itself. 

Great Bite?
Vanilla Ice cream with toffee shavings. Enough said.  

Purchase your copy of Love’s Pendulum here and here. Thanks!