Saturday 30 March 2013

TV Shows That Will Chase Your Writing Blues Away

William Zinsser is quoted as saying writing is thinking on paper. This simple notion doesn’t often play out in reality. I admire anyone with the ability to consistently pen exceptional work despite the changing tides of both their immediate environment and life in general. Whether you’re musing over new material or smack in the middle of one, writer’s block is one unforgiving {fill in your choice word here}.

One of the reasons behind this creativity purgatory is confidence. Or lack thereof. For example, if you’ve had the privilege of recurring success, pressure to sustain your momentum is inevitable. Waning inspiration is another reason why some authors will confess to going days, weeks and even years without writing a single word.

You may have abided to certain rules such as keeping a writing schedule, managing, at least, 300 words a day no matter what rubbish it sums up to, and even subjected your body to a series of uncomfortable angles in the belief that it will fend off the negativity, but if you still can’t shake off this depressing sensation, then I advocate for television watching. There’s nothing like venturing into another dimension to escape reality, or even better, provide a reprieve for the one you’re attempting to create. Here are 3 shows that never fail to live up to my need for escape.

Not the CW offshoot, but the original, Canadian version, which ran for 5 seasons. The cast are stellar in their portrayal of members of a secret agency. The set is futuristic, the technology impressive and the blatant callousness of the leading antagonists, namely Section and Madeline, send shivers down my spine. On the question of chemistry, the relationship between Nikita and Roy Dupuis’s character is yet to be outdone by anything I’ve seen since. Josephine?  

What’s more entertaining than two attractive brothers fleeing prison and spending 4 seasons trying to clear their names? I caught this massive FOX hit in the middle of the third season, and I was immediately hooked.  I am now the proud owner of the entire DVD box set. The twists and turns, and the loyalty between the characters is nothing if not endearing. Who needs to write when you have a government conspiracy to solve?  

Yu-mmie! This is, by far, Shonda Rhimes’s best work. The ABC must-see is not only scorchingly sexy, it’s smart. I’ve wasted precious hours immersing myself in political thrillers, regardless of medium, but I haven’t been this entertained in a long while. My verdict? 10/10!

Well, those are my guilty pleasures, though a mere handful! What about you? What TV shows help you through your rut?    

Great Bite?
Orange candied popcorn. TV food with a twist!

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