Saturday 13 April 2013

5 Things That Made My Week!

Unfortunately, my funk rolled over to another week. So instead of mulling over the reasons why I’m struggling to get my mojo back, I decided to pick out the things that dented my melancholy, however mildly.

1} Stumbling on this article

And this one as well

2} Baking a perfect batch of caramel cookies. Practice does indeed make perfect, 4 years after I first took on the challenge. Straight to my hips they went! No apologies!

3} Outlining, and with clarity, half the plotline of an upcoming romance novel. Title still unseen.

4} Watching 7 successive sunrises courtesy of my insomnia. I have to say, the experience was humbling. The problems of the world seemed so mundane in light of the miracle that is a new day.

5} Shaving three thousand, yes, three thousand words from the fantasy fiction I’m currently editing. Life was so simple back then when you think about it. Roles definitively defined.

Great Bite?
Lemon sole served with paprika toasted potato wedges and steamed kale. Healthy! 

Purchase your copy of Love’s Pendulum here and here. Thanks!

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