Saturday 22 June 2013

A Potato Salad Recipe You Won’t Soon Forget!

While researching the eating habits of the characters of a yet to be satisfactorily outlined romance novel, I came across a food site aptly named Fine Dining Lovers. This beautifully structured site is an ode to, wait for it, fine dining! The recipes are straightforward, the anecdotes amusing, if not nostalgic and the images of the finished product are downright mouthwatering. Galleries, videos, blogs, tips and a section dedicated to cooking apps earns this site triple A’s in my book!
Many a menu on Fine Dining Lovers boast a rather intimidating list of ingredients, and it took a while to rev me up into attempting something. I’m proud to say I scaled and conquered the slippery slope of Peking Duck, but the recipe I’d like to share today, courtesy of Fine Dining Lovers, is simple, nutritious and quite filling.

Mediterranean Potato Salad with Olives and Feta

800g Irish potatoes
200g red tomatoes
150g Feta cheese
100g green and black olives
2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of fresh basil
2 fresh green peppers
4 tbsp of vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Peel, wash and halve the potatoes, then boil until cooked. Set aside to cool.

Roughly chop the tomatoes and retain 6 tbsp of the oil.

Separate the basil from the stocks and dice.

Wash, halve, core and roughly dice the peppers. Peel the garlic, then chop finely.

Mix the vinegar with the tomato oil to create a dressing.

Mix the potatoes, olives, tomatoes, basil, peppers and garlic with the dressing and crumble the feta over the salad.

Season with salt and pepper, and serve.

Great Bite?
Peking duck. The play of the plum sauce on the duck’s crispy skin merits no other word except divine!    

Purchase your copy of Love’s Pendulum here and here. Thanks!

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